Friday, August 7, 2009

Another day goes by...

Another day, another time.
Another headache.

It only just made me realize how many people could change their opinion about me just by reading this blog.

But this is the only way I can really express what I feel.

Only way to get the real me to show through.

I might be a bitch.
I might be a horrible person.

At least I'm honest about it.

How many people go through their days, living a lie?

So many people are walking around with this huge ass grin on their face, yet on the inside they're screaming.

They're the ones who are going to die from being overly stressed out.
They're going to have heart attacks, high blood pressure, are more likely to be obese, more likely to be depressed.

Not me.

I might not express my feelings to the people around me, but I'm sure as hell not keeping them bottled up.

It will not be good to one day snap and take it out on the people I love.

So, I write.
I roleplay, I blog, I create stories based on actual events.

Beware if you want to know the real me.
I might not be as innocent and naive as everybody takes me to be.

Everyday I hear:
'You're so sweet', 'You're way too innocent', 'You couldn't do anything crazy', 'I wish everybody was as sweet and cute as you'.

Seriously, people. Come on.
I've taken thirteen friggin years of acting classes.

Of course I can act sweet when need be.
Just don't piss me off or mess with my family.
Mess with them, you'll regret it.

I'm like a Roman candle that's about to explode.

Like a great man once said,

"Light fuse and walk away may work for a Roman candle, but not so much for the wrath of a woman scorned."

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